10 Reasons People unfollow Your Brand on Social Media
Like it or not, people are going to unfollow your Brand on Social Media, and you cannot stop them. All you can do is to keep the following rate of your social media pages higher than the leaving rate. However, you have to keep focused on the reason of your presence on the social media.
The purpose behind having social media presence are only two, earning the media and making the audience engaged with your brand. What every brand need is to keep maintaining its buzz around the internet so the brand can generate its recall value or can place it in the minds of the people.
Though, building up a substantial audience on your social media platforms is necessary to prove yourself to be the brand of people. For this, it is important to know the reasons behind the increasing ex-followers.
Being a professional digital marketer, I am writing this article to educate all the small and big business owners and the new digital marketers about the top 10 reasons why people can unfollow your brand on the social media websites.
1. Generic Content
People login to the social media platforms either to see the memes and refresh themselves or to know the latest updates of their surroundings. If the content of your social media pages is not in somewhere between the fun and informative, people will start leaving your page.
You have to keep your content either entertaining or informative or else it will make your audience yawn. According to the survey on different social media platform, 21% participants admit that they will leave any page if its content is boring and repetitive.
Which is justified too. The content competition on the social media platform is so immense that those who are still using generic content instead of showing any creativity are not going to take any part of the social media market.
2. Frequent Postings
In the same survey, 19% of participant says that they unfollow the brand which posts too often especially on the Facebook. That is why it is important to keep the rate of your posting according to your need and market.
Too many posts annoy the followers, and if your content is not that great too to see on the news feed of ordinary people, the chances are high that people will start leaving your brand.
Moreover, too many posts also kill the creativity because you cannot produce six creative posts every day which will also go against the first point. That is why it is better to follow the quality marketing strategy instead of quantity marketing.
3. Don’t be a self-absorbed
Marketing is not talking about yourself. Marketing is about what your audience want to hear. If you start only talking about your brand and ignore the reciprocal communication than the chances of getting unfollowed on the social media platforms increases.
You have to divide your postings into different approaches. If you are publishing eight posts a week, then use only two posts to talk about yourself and six about different things which can generate the engagement on your postings.
This is how you will not only retain your audience but also get more due to the posts about the general and viral things.
4. Zero or slow response of comments
These social media platforms are very quick and present you your needs on just a few clicks. That is why people on Facebook and Twitter generally doesn’t like to wait to get response from the brand. You have to keep your responding rate at highest to continuing engaging your audience with you.
If someone is commenting or sending you a message, that means he or she is interested in your brand and want to know more about you. But if you fail to respond his query on time, he or she can leave your brand page in the angst of not getting respond on time which could give a bad impression of your brand.
5. Share new content whenever you post
People doesn’t like to see same old boring content on their news feed or timeline. That is why it is important to come up with new and unique content every time you post something.
Things can get bad if you do not post something new because there are just three clicks required to unfollow any page on the Facebook. By posting new and interesting content, you can stop your audience from pressing those three clicks.
6. Failing to be humorous
If you are going to use humorous appeal in your social media marketing, then you have to ensure the quality of it. It is not easy to make everyone laugh. You have to be wicked and extremely funny to take the laughter reaction from your audience on the Facebook.
7. Monotonous postings
You have to use versatility in your postings. You cannot go with only image postings for years. With the recent updates, the platform like Facebook is providing numerous methods of postings which are engaging in itself too.
If you not use those methods and keep persisting on the image postings then chances are high that people would start unfollowing your page.
8. Too much-cluttered post
People doesn’t like to see a clutter of text on their newsfeed. Even many of them are not the verbalizers. They try to get the motive of a post just by its visual and doesn’t like too many texts on their screen.
That is why it is important not to use too much text whenever you post any video, image or gif to retain your followers.
9. Offensive postings
Do not play with the sentiments of the people. Your brand page is not the place to express your emotions. Don’t show biases through your brand postings or else people would not spare you. You will not only get negative comments and remarks on the social media platforms but will also get unfollowed by many.
10. Use of automated messaging
The people perceive the automated messaging as you don’t care about them that is why you are making them wait by showing the automated messaging. However, brands use the Chatbots but they build it in such way that it does not seems to be an automated messaging.
Give your audience importance, and they will never unfollow your brand.
Author Bio:
Hilda Peter is a digital marketing professional who have completed her Master in Marketing from New York State University. She is a proud founder of many education-based businesses which also provide the help with dissertation to the students in need.