
Relevance of Web Video Production in Design Agencies

Video Production in Design Agencies

Almost all design agencies today are booming because of our technology. Advertising or marketing has been the most prominent area they are thriving today and the main reason for that are web video productions.

Although some points are already obvious, we will try and clearly understand what is the relevance of web video production in design agencies. Especially for business start-ups in the digital design industry. They would really benefit from articles like these.

So what are design agencies really? Well, usually, they are firms and businesses that offer to give you graphical designs. Basically, what they do is offer it as a professional service for advertising, brand awareness campaigns and even copywriting.

So they offer a lot of services and one company is totally different from the other in this industry. It will be up to you to do some research especially if you plan on investing for a tool to use for your advertising.

Although they are digital design, most of them can be partners to grow your business. And web video production is their most popular product but we’ll talk more about that later. Design agencies offer a lot of products.

So it’s not just video web production. Although, for this article, we will see the relevance of web video production in design agencies and that will be our focus. Let’s try and list some of their main products as a result of their service.

Live production is the most common product design agencies offer. This kind of production is recorded in real life which means they require a production team and camera crew. Another product from design agencies is professional animation.

This kind of production is mostly to create explainer videos or whiteboard videos that are close to perfect to promote your brand and increase awareness. There can also do other services like Web design and development, branding and graphics design, infographics, copywriting and strategies, and Search Engine Optimizations.

With that said, you can already get a glimpse as to the importance web video production. Some design agencies offer products for personal use or just to simply create a design for an individual. But since we are talking about businesses mostly, we will be focusing on this aspect for this article as a whole.

Now the main purpose of design agencies is simple. They are there to offer advertising tools to establish branding. Also, you avail their service to showcase your brand to the public.

They can even provide you services like social media marketing, content marketing and any kind of publicity service. All managed by design agencies. So they might seem a little irrelevant based solely on their title but they sure do a lot of work.

Relevance of Web Video Production in Design Agencies

Web Video Productions

What are web videos? These are videos on the internet. I’m  sure you know what a video looks like already. Whenever you see an advertisement on the TV or your Facebook feed, then you saw a product of a design agency.

The biggest trend in our digital world today for marketers is showing videos. Later on, in this article, I will show you some really great statistics to prove my point. But without looking at anything, you should probably already know the impact of videos in our modern age today.

Just look at your phone or on your desktop, I’m sure you watch a lot of videos already. Either movies or advertisements, you choose to watch this rather than to read walls of text. If you want answers to your questions, you either look at Google and type some keywords.

Or you go to Youtube to look for how to’s and tutorials to solve your common household problems. Right? This is why video productions are really good for solidifying brands. Although, there are certain differences you might want to take note of.

I’m talking about the different types of videos you can choose. Live-recorded videos are the most expensive type of videos. Mainly because you would need a whole crew and a bunch of artists to accomplish it.

Professional animations, however, you need studios and professional animators with fast computers. Sometimes, they are even hand-drawn by artists. Live-recorded videos and animations are definitely expensive if you want to create movies.

This is important to take note of especially for business start-ups. So that you can choose based on return on investment and analysis.

Main relevance of video production in design agencies

Relevance can be a synonym of importance. How is really important to design agencies? Have you encountered a design agency who doesn’t offer a service for web video production? Yes, there are some who doesn’t offer them.

Maybe because they solely offer infographics or sometimes even just original pictures. This is totally fine. But most are migrating to offer videos now. The main reason for this is supply and demand.

The demand for videos is exponentially higher because of smartphones now. A recent study showed that people watch videos on social media 80% of the time. This means that web video production is becoming a necessity for design firms if they went to survive.

Beyond that, if they want to thrive too. Everybody watches videos now rather than to read walls of text. I’m sure you will be in the same position as me. I don’t want to go on a website and just read a text to know what I’m looking for.

I want something fast that can help me in my decision making and in my discovery stage. Hence, videos are the perfect tools to present to viewers. Other than web video productions, marketers and firms also sell other products which are great partners for videos.

A great example would be a compact infographic that tells you what to do next or further gives you information about a specific brand. Videos are not exactly perfect and most of them are short so that’s why design agencies also offer other products to compliment each other.

Digital Design and Video

There is a more in-depth reason why video is relevant to digital design. You see, artists need to constantly adjust to our modern technology today. Especially to the biggest trends out there.

Sometimes, even if they are not accustomed to this sort of style yet, they still need to learn just to keep up with the fast-phased competition today. With that said, videos really are important for artists. Because videos are the epitome of digital design.

It is the accumulation of all their past experiences in their career as an artist and designer. So that’s why almost all design firms and agencies with great animators and artists offer to create a professional video.

Stats about Web Video and Productions

An excellent example that will prove to you the relevance of web video production in design agencies is statistics. Progress and almost everything else is measurable when we are talking about businesses and industries.

I actually found a great article that shows us some great insight and analysis about the video marketing world. Check out their article here, written by the authors of HubSpot. I want to point out and talk about some great points that I saw there.

Conversion Rates

Their study has shown that putting an explainer video on a landing page has increase conversion rates by a whopping 80%. That’s a really big increase to whatever previous numbers they had especially if we are talking about conversion rates.

That means they have increased their income by the equal amount too. Video web production has also increased the number of click throughs because of a compelling call to action and the way visitors watch the video.

It goes to show that videos can easily convince people who watched it. Maybe by answering questions strategically and giving them a good push, they have decided that they know what they want and are ready to take the next step.

The Demand for Video Productions

Although this has been indirectly proved there, you can see that videos boost visitor engagement. This is the reasons why more and more marketers have been wanting to create videos.

Hence, the demand for design agencies went through the roof the past couple of years. It’s been proved in a different study that although videos are a significant amount of investment, marketers don’t care about that anymore.

Since it’s really a great investment, ROI is achievable even if you did shell out a lot of capital. Remember, not all videos are that expensive. A great tip is to invest on explainer videos, especially for startups.

Since explainer videos are a lot affordable that live productions so always remember that. Another good example as to the demand of video productions is the number of people. We are no longer moving to a stage where videos will become a trend.

Unlike before where there are limits to technology, we are actually in an era now where almost everyone has smartphones. And we now have big social media channels where billions of people gather.

People actually say that videos greatly help in decision making whether they will go with the company or buy a certain product. I actually look for reviews and explainer videos on Youtube first if there is an item I’m interested in.

Marketing has never been awesome like this before. People really want to watch videos and that’s the main reason for the ramp in demand.

The reason why marketers want to invest

If you want to know the relevance of web video production in design agencies, then you will know the reason why marketers want to invest. Design firms tend to showcase their work in forms of portfolios.

This allows marketers to check and get insight first about what to expect from a certain agency. Actually, this is the reason why marketers want to invest too.

Because designers and artists have made very good portfolios, it shows how professional they are and it has become so attracting and compelling. But other than that, videos have actually proven to be the best tool for businesses if they want to increase awareness.

Marketers want to invest because it has been proven a lot of times that videos can attract a lot of people. Therefore, there is a higher chance of conversions from leads. ROI or return on investments is definitely reachable.

Because of designers and the stats, investing on videos is no longer a great risk. In fact, it has now completely turned around from that point. It’s just a matter of guidance where to use or how to utilize the video itself.

So web video production is really relevant to design agencies. Every agency out there should offer it if they don’t have it already. You will be able to get a lot of income for yourself. Plus. you will definitely be able to help your clients in a lot of ways.

Other than videos, design agencies should also offer services like those I have mentioned above earlier. To compliment all the imperfections and to really utilize the videos to its full potential, there are a lot of tools you can still use. If you own a design agency and you are thinking about investing, then it’s the perfect time to do so.


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