Let’s get one thing straight first and foremost, you don’t have to feel bad for searching for a new job. You never committed to be working for your current employers your whole life. Every organization is aware that people are going to look around for opportunities. No one can deny you this right to finding a better option.
Take today as a new beginning, a new year in your career and start a job hunt with full force. There is no reason for sticking to a workplace if your potential is not utilized and where your abilities are rusting. If you want to grow in your career then stop procrastinating job hunt and start now!
Networking Over Resume
People are more focused on writing a resume that they often forget to pay attention to more important things such as, networking.
We are not suggesting that resumes are not important, they sure need to be up to date but this is not all. For executive-level jobs networking is vital.
Talking about your career is a must. It doesn’t have to be a boring discussion you can talk about it in your family and friend circle as well.
There might be someone from the same field as you are, or maybe someone from your circle is good at giving career advice. Try to take advantage of the people around you.
When you are continuously reminding people you are in search of a job they might ask around or spread the word for you. There is always a chance someone will refer you to an organization that is looking for a candidate. It is better to go for an interview after you have been referred to than going there like a random person searching for a job.
We cannot deny that employers are more inclined towards hiring people whom they know or someone they know, know those people. So, talking about your career is a good thing to do.
Online Presence
Make sure you are left out by being articulately present in the online world. The persona you carry online should be professional and your social media profiles should enlist your experience and achievements.
If you are trying to find a job in the digital industry this becomes even more relevant. Even if you are not from the digital industry, you need an impressive online presence.
Blank or boring profiles on social media platforms may end up denying you a good job prospect. Don’t let it happen and be active on these channels.
Having a professional social media presence is not a choice anymore, employers expect this from their candidates. You don’t want to be pictured as an outdated person, right?
Keep sharing your insights or important alerts from the industry you are trying to get a job in. it will increase your visibility and employers are more likely to notice you. Your online persona will ultimately help shape your impression in front of companies. Be active and be visible.
Know Your Career Story
You must know what story you want to tell as the story of your career. Executive search recruitment jobs
When you are finding a job for an executive, it is given that you have done enough in a career to share in the interviews. Work on your narratives and refine them.
Your narratives should be tough to ignore when you tell them. The compelling you can make them, the more there is a chance for you to get an amazing offer.
However, be sure that they sound authentic because you don’t want employers to doubt what you have accomplished in your career.
Sometimes you might have done incredible things in your career but the way it reaches employers is not impressive enough. It matters a lot how you are conveying your narrative.
When you know you have a good story to tell and it sounds exciting too it will boost your confidence. You are going to ace the job application and interview with this confidence.
The best thing to make sure your story deliverance is as interesting as the story itself, share it among your friends and ask for feedback. This practice will make you better at delivering the exact message that you intend.
Assess Your Job Search Critically
This is not something that you do once and you are good. This is an ongoing process and you have to keep assessing your job search efforts regularly.
When you are searching for a job the most essential things are to have patience and persistence. You cannot lose patience and you cannot drift away from your goal of finding a better opportunity.
The job hunt can take some time but it doesn’t mean you cannot get a job. To make sure you are not slacking during the process decide time-bound goals and try to accomplish those goals.
Keep comparing your resume to others from the same industry and in the same positions. Keep making your interview technique better and keep sending resumes.
Evaluate your tactics and answers to the most common questions. If you are trying to provide common answers to frequently asked questions you might not impress the interviewer.
Try to come up without the box answers and be creative in your approach. Remember, organizations appreciate candidates with soft skills and who are not too rigid when it comes to a job description. Keep asking yourself are you flexible? Set some benchmarks for yourself which can keep you on track so you don’t drift.
Optimize Your Job Applications
The documents you are submitting should be very clear about what you want. Pinpointing your actual goals is always the best practice.
This lets employers know how passionate you are and how much you are invested in your career.
The more you are specific with your job hunt the better results it will provide. A targeted job hunt will lead you to the opportunities you are looking for. It will save your time from drifting away and from going to interviews for nothing. For example, an HR executive searches for recruitment jobs and a lecturer applies in Universities.
Make your cover letter concise but on-point. Recruiters should get a clear idea from your cover letter how suitable you are for the position and what you will be bringing to the company.
As soon as the recruiter feels they are interested in you as a candidate for the position they have they will ask for your resume and other documents. Ensure you have them at the earliest and they are optimized.
Candidates who are not clear about what they want in their careers are more often considered incompetent. Don’t let the recruiters get that impression about you. Your initial impression matters a lot and it pretty much makes the mind of the recruiter about hiring you or not. This is why it is imperative to conduct an optimized job search.
List Your Dream Organizations
Every person dreams about working in some organizations and you may have those dreams too. This is the time to work on these dreams. Start off by making a list of all the companies you wish to join as an executive.
Starting searching for a job with a plan is going to be the best favour you will do to yourself. This sounds simple may be too simple that most people overlook it.
Sit back, relax, and decide on a job target that is clear and achievable. This is as simple as asking yourself what you want to do next?
The question may be simple but the answer might take some time for you to decide. Don’t rush and don’t settle until you are sure this is what you want.
Once, you have decided on a path to follow make a list of 20 to 40 companies from the industry where you want to work.
Start following the social media profiles of these companies and look if they are hiring. Start networking and try to find connections in these companies.
Be on the lookout for who can introduce to the company and who can refer you to a good position. This can help you land a job in one of the organizations on your list.
Bottom Line
These tips are only useful when you have a strong and positive attitude. You may have an impressive online profile, you may have all the degrees, and you may have great relevant experience but if you are not a positive person nothing matters.
Roll up your sleeves, be humble, have gratitude and begin your job hunt with a strong will, there is nothing that can stop you from getting your desired job. Remember your negative attitude can become the biggest hindrance to your success.
No employer wants to have someone in their team who is not willing to bend a little. These are the times when organizations are looking for people who are transferable as the dynamics changed.