According to the resource study, 48 billion online content videos are being watched by 187 million people in the US alone. And a huge amount of time approximately 22 hours a day are spent by average Americans in this kind of undertaking. It is one very important data in an accurate video statistics.
UGC or user-generated videos get fewer views compared to professional-looking videos. When a video is for eCommerce optimization, it works well if it is made in high-quality animation. Professional videos delivering a 24.7% rate outstands UGC videos with 18.7% rate with a total of 30% difference.
A person that consumes 2 minutes of his time watching a video has 64% possibility to purchase the product shown in the video.
Most of the people who watch video online are the people who are actual buyers online. An overwhelming 96% of online shoppers are converted to real customers.
For this resource, as part of their accurate video statistics, they show that almost half of the marketers who use video in these three important factors; increased time spent reading the email, and increased sharing and forwarding.
More and more marketers are using videos in their email marketing campaigns. A ratio of 1 out of 4 marketers is taking advantage of the trending system. Additionally, it has been cited that 43% of these marketers say a video needs to have good content for higher view rates.
A video is one of the most effective contents that easily get high ROI. 59.9% professional marketers agree on that.
There is 55% growth in online video views which make it become the fastest succeeding ad format today.
It has become a customary way of shopping that before you purchase a product, you have to watch a video as a form of effective research. And it is effective in deed as 45.9% of US online shoppers agreed on that.
People who personally shop still depend on watching video ads before purchasing. In stores, 65% of these shoppers use smartphones to be able to use the internet and get an access to the retailer’s website to check. Shoppers also check the competitor’s website and they got the 46% percentage while 26% of in-store shoppers are accessing comparison shopping sites such as Shopzilla and
Because people rely too much on videos, retailers use it as an advantage. Because of that, 73% of online retailers used video on product pages to sell. 74% of the top 50 retailers are using product videos, 40% are using category videos while the 38% are using other types of informational videos.
The Vision Critical show in their study that seeing the QR code on a product become important. It shows 56% of the users are into it.
41% of the affluent online shoppers end up buying a product after either watching a product video or watching other digital advertising formats.
Mobile video viewers show a huge growth in usage percentage. Today, we have over 25 million mobile video viewers. That shows 40% increase from the previous total percentage. An accurate video statistics are going to show it all. In this matter, we have 77% mobile video watchers today.
Jeffrey Grau, the senior analyst of eMarketer say that “…a lower number of abandoned shopping carts, reduced return rates, and higher sales.”
According to the accurate video statistics of the Internet Retailer, many people say that watching product videos makes them more confident in their online purchase decisions. It is 52% of all the consumers today. And 66% of consumers will watch a video 2 to 3 more times if the video is very informative.
Watching product videos on Stacks and Stacks product pages is effective. It shows 144% of the shoppers end up adding items on their carts after watching videos.
Today, people are doing research online by watching product videos before they buy. These shoppers say that making video content available in-store by kiosk, touchscreen and smartphone integrations is what businesses need to do.
The is an online store that shows a tremendous success because they provide product videos on their website. There is a 359% year-over-year increase in video views that make the sales convert rate reach 45%. It is clearly in the accurate video statistics of the online store.
Videos are effective boosting factors for conversion. That is according to one of the most successful online retailers today, the Living Direct. Conversion rate increases up to 9%.
Online shoppers who watch product video and video ads are 85% more likely to purchase than those who do not watch videos.
46% of frequent shoppers prefer shopping on sites that provide videos. People who love buying online are those who love watching videos.
90% of the shoppers say that watching a video before purchasing is very helpful to avoid buying the wrong product.
A 400% increase in the conversion sales due to watching videos. It is a helpful data which is a part of an accurate video statistics information. Hence, online stores that do not have any videos experience 25% decrease sales rate.
There is a larger shopping ticket opportunity among people who watch videos compared to those who don’t. Additionally, watching traditional rich media such as flash animations is works less.
Mediapost show in their accurate video statistics the importance of product videos in converting leads to actual sales. When people watch these product videos, they are likely to buy a product. This means the decision making becomes easier with these video ads. There is 9x increase in retail video views today.
75% of US retailers believe that developing an in-store experience will less be effective in the next five years because of the boost in online shopping. By that time, many retailers believe that 42% of sales will come from online mobile and social commerce which is really a big factor to consider.
Latest accurate video statistics show 40% of codes link to video content. It is the most popular use for mobile action codes, such as QR and bar codes today. This also includes product demos.
Many people today are going to in-stores yet they still purchase in online retailers. These are 66% of the shoppers who are using smartphones. 58% of users trying products in-store and then purchasing from a competitor’s website. While 40% of users did the same for shoes and apparel.
Retail Touchpoints is one of the most reliable agencies that provide accurate video statistics. According to them, shoppers who love viewing videos are likely to purchase with 174% chances.
Stores Magazines got their facts from the well-known online retailer the that video viewing can have a great impact on its viewers. 33% of online sales come from the 13% of site visitors who view videos which show a great difference.
When it comes to gaining confidence when buying a product, watching a video helps a lot. One of the important information that website magazine showed in the accurate video statistics is saying that video is a driver of consumer confidence. 60% of the consumers are watching videos. 52% of online shoppers do not return the products they have bought.
Retail and brand sites are using consumer video because shoppers demand it. It is a mere fact that the people of today are getting crazy over online shopping due to video viewing activities.
Today, retailers include video production in their marketing plans. 40% of these retailers include videos in their strategic plans. These businesses believe that online merchandising efforts will benefit from these videos a lot. Therefore, these awesome videos top function merchants plan to add to their e-commerce sites.