The primary goal as a video marketer is to show your brand to potential customers. So making a video is important. But what some overlook is that it’s not all about having just a video.
As a result, all they think about now is just to create a video and to market them to anyone. Consequently, this will eventually become mistakes of video marketers. It’s fine; no one is perfect.
What I want to tell you is that it’s okay to have mistakes, sometimes. You can’t prevent them completely from happening. But knowing some of those mistakes will give you an idea of what you are doing.
It might even help you get your mind straight. Always remember that awareness is very helpful and informative. Furthermore, it can help you reach your ultimate goal in the end.
Also, as a video marketer, we won’t be talking about the process and the steps for creating a video. Because that must be on a different topic. Rather, let’s talk about the “marketer” itself.
Let’s pinpoint what you can do to be better as a video marketer and try to avoid these mistakes in the future. Let’s look at the most common mistakes of video marketers.
Top 2 Mistakes of Video Marketers:
Making the video too short or too long
A part of being a marketer means that you have to think of how you need to portray or present your brand to the people. But of course, there are costs and resources that are needed to accomplish an important task.
Like paying a professional team to create an explainer video. This creates the first mistake of video marketers.
Too Short
Although not all of them, some will think to shorten the video to cut the costs. This is wrong. Because cutting the video short means cutting the message you show to people as well.
This will make your video feel like it has been rushed. The video itself might lose appeal. And worse, the message you want your customers will be close to non-existent. No one will understand what you want to say.
Too Long
As an opposite of being too short, people hate watching long explanations. Your visitors will get instantly bored instead of getting hooked or hyped on the video.
80% of your viewers will look at how long the videos will take to watch before deciding to go for it until the end. But of course, you don’t want to rush a video because of this reason.
Ultimately, it depends on the message you want to present to your customers. You will be the one to judge whether you go for a short or a long video. You must always remember to show all the important selling points of your brand to your potential customers.
What I want you to realize is that a balanced video will surely get you the conversions you want and will eventually get you a lot of customers.
Creating the Video to be nothing more than for Sales
Of course, it is also important to make sales. But what some marketers fail to see is that these are videos created to explain. Their primary goal is to spread awareness and encourage customers to buy.
Some marketers commonly use the word “buy” and forget to use the word “help”. We are here to help our customers overcome their challenge while we make our income along the way. That’s is what being a professional means.
Like I said, your videos should aim to be explanatory. Also, it should aim to increase awareness. It should be professional and fun at the same time. What I’m saying is that it should not always focus on sales.
By the way, having a call-to-action at the end does not mean you are focusing on sales. In fact, it’s good to have a call-to-action. It’s good always to have a good script that is balanced for increasing awareness, getting people hooked and encouraged them to do the next step.
Always remember to leave the final decision to your buyers. Don’t force them, rather, encourage them. Guide them through the buyer’s journey and help them.
There are a lot of mistakes that you can make when trying to create the best video suited for your brand. Remember to always collaborate with the best people. Creating the video is just a small part, refining it is what makes it the best.
Remember this top 2 mistakes while creating a video. It will surely help you a lot. Plus, it sorta helps with preventing you from making these mistakes again.
Of course, as I said at the beginning of this article. No one is perfect. No one will be perfect and don’t ever forget that. Take the situation and make it perfect. Adjust to your predicaments and overcome challenges.
Create videos to create awareness. Also, keep in mind the time your viewers will consume to watch videos. Because time is the most valuable resource, everyone has. Goodluck Video Marketers!